Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Boy, Are We Having Fun!

I had the best time today working with three great boys (one's my son!) learning about sewing. Or really about using a machine to sew (machines=cool fun!). How delighted I was to indulge in a fabric fest with these guy. And the fabric was flying!

They cranked out squares for a raggedy-edge quilt of plaid squares. I couldn't believe how quickly they took to pinning and sewing on the machines. I remember vividly someone sewing over their finger in Home Ec in 7th or 8th grade - ouch! That really slowed down my speed!

I think they liked it because one conversation was:
BW: "Sewing quilts is fun"
BB: (happy sigh) "Yeah. It is fun."

They're right!

I haven't been knitting as much as I should lately because we are having the bathroom floors replaced. How could that impact knitting? Should be a pretty straight forward job, especially as someone else is doing the installation. You'd think! But no - we need to paint at least one before the install and I needed to find a new shower curtain, etc. for a paint color choice. That should be resolved this week. Meanwhile, we decided to replace the vanity on the master bath, and hey! let's install a new top, too. Did you know that there are multiple vanity heights? European height? What? It means that all the plumbing needed to be reworked, the lighting fixture need to be replaced, and the mirror needs to be raised to accommodate the new height. Ack! And if that wasn't bad enough, the two sink tops we tried to use were damaged, and all the repair time got used returning things. Now my husband can't complete the work for two weeks and I just spent three hours yesterday visiting four stores and calling four more to find a top. I've called in professionals to make this all go away next week. But in the meantime - here's how things look at my house:

With all the excitement, I needed comforting, and I found it in Ann Budd. I'm trying her sock pattern (with dpns and top down - nothing new or exciting!) to feel like something is working out. I'm using Knit Picks Sock Landscape in New England Foliage. I've done the rib cuff and the heel flap/turn and am ready to pick up the gusset stitches. Here's what has happened since Friday. My goal is to knit faster than this grass can grow!


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