Monday, August 21, 2006

These Socks Really Rock!

Re-entry is always a bit dicey after vacation - I'm having a hard time getting back to "normal"- so I'm hoping that sharing vacation pictures helps.

I started a sock pattern before I left so that I would have something little on the plane. I also needed to make some kind of showing with the Summer of Socks, especially after I made a (ambitious!!) list and all. I cranked out my Leetle Bag, started the anklets in Cascade Fixation, and hit the road. Somehow I lost a bamboo dpn before leaving and there were none left in Richmond, so I picked up metal ones. Wow. Much nicer than I would have expected. I'm thinking of getting more. Especially since I seemed to have lost one or two more along the way. The Leetle Bag needs to be a leetle bit bigger.

Here's the sock on the plane during takeoff out of Washington National (little to no security lines - yea! - the camo was a fashion choice by favorite male offspring):

And here's how long the plane trip lasted:

That's amazing progress for me! I was so excited, I stopped by a Wal-Mart while on vacation, just so I could get a plastic needle to kitchner the toe. Even the kids were happy for me:

And I immediately started sock #2. Maybe there is no second-sock horror story when you are making anklets! The little picot edge was a new one for me - and I also learned that reading direction is helpful as I made the heel flap inside out. I'm declaring it a fashion statement. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Here is sock #2 enjoying a family hike:

See - these socks really do ROCK!


  1. Really lovely socks! Anklets are soooo much faster, aren't they? If only I could convince everyone in my family that they were the way to go!

    Beautiful photos, by the way. Looks like you all had a wonderful time :0)

  2. Love the anklets! Nice job! :-)
