Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chasing Cars

Richmond hosts a NASCAR race twice each year, and it wouldn't seem like spring without seeing a few demo cars out and about. When the kids were really small, it seemed that every race event (especially the May race) would mean lots of demo cars in our local area as there was always a grocery store opening or a strip mall opening. I remember one store in particular opened with 5 straight days of cars and driver signings (for the truly loony) and lots of samples and give-aways. But now, we have to range a bit farther for our "filed trips" and I'm guessing the economy is to blame for the end of free tacky hats.

Mind you, we don't really follow NASCAR. But when in Rome! 

My brother was the instigator this time. He follows this car and wanted a picture with the kids by it. We were happy to spend a sunny morning out among the faithful.

My daughter really liked the oven mitt on the hauler:

There is no way my son is getting the car keys anytime soon!

This one's for you, Uncle Bryan!

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