Thursday, January 04, 2007


How happy I was! The bobble and I were friends.

A whole row of big, beautiful bobbles.

But, wait. Doesn't that Bobble Snuggle seem a little wide, and what's that? The directions say about 25 rows OR 6 1/2 inches. Oops. And look, I'm running low on yarn. Ack! The Snuggle is too big!!

And so it goes back to visit our new friend, the yarn winder.

There are few sights scarier than live knitting hooked up to the winder. Ominous indeed. (You may need to avert your eyes)

Here's to the next attempt being MUCH closer to the mark.


  1. Yikes, that is a scary sight! Good looking bobbles, anyway! :0)

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Owwwwwww! I know that hurts! About your button me at spinnerknitter at aol dot com. I'll try to help!
