Monday, January 22, 2007

All Squared Up

Finally - a knitting success around here!

I finished Larissa's pattern for a pretty little square for her squarealong/testalong.

The square was knit from the center out, and consisted of alternating knit rows and increase rows. It was fun to knit because the increases happened between the #1 dpns, looking like the straight side of the square, but when I was casting off, they magically formed the corners. Here's a picture of what I am having a hard time describing (pardon the light bulb-at-night lighting):

Before binding off, the intersection of the dpns are the corners:

But after CO, they are the center of the long flat side of the square and the increases form the corners:

Anyway - here it is, all blocked (7"x7") and pretty (and showing its true colors):

And yes - that's an icy plant it is resting on - we has real-live winter weather yesterday! A tiny bit of snow and lots of ice. The kids and I enjoyed walking around looking at what got coated and busting up icicles.

We were careful around the budded plants (LOTS of those due to recent warm weather) like this one:

Something about that tender green shot completely encased in smooth, clear ice just summed up our recent weather.

My son took this picture to submit to
Kiddley's kids' photo flickr site. This week's Photo Theme Friday's theme is Weather Where We Are.

For more walking in the ice storm's aftermath, check out his blog.

For now, I am savoring the square success and watching the icicles trickle.


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Your square is beautiful! Reminds me of all the "God's Eyes," I amde during summer camp. Or am I dating myself here?

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    24.3 points, winter boots, 12.0 rebounds and 3.89 blocks, and shooting Ecco Casual Shoes.53.1%. In almost every.

  3. Anonymous8:15 PM

    24.3 points, winter boots, 12.0 rebounds and 3.89 blocks, and shooting Ecco Casual Shoes.53.1%. In almost every.
