Thursday, December 21, 2006


We've been caught up in the whirlwind of fun activities and Christmas festivities - and we've been enjoying every minute of it!

We've been ...

learning about hand tools with Cub Scouts...

gingerbread house making with Daisy scouts...

running races...

ballet dancing...

baking cookies...

swapping for more cookies...

attending Santa Tea with friends...

visiting Santa one last time...

visiting with friends...

sharing more baked yummies:

Is it possible to have any more fun?! We're going to try with family visits, helping place animals for the church's nativity scene, Christmas day, seeing more Christmas lights at night, and more goodies. Maybe some knitting?

Since we'll be running around a bit more we'll be out of blog range 'til the New Year. We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!

P.S. To anyone cranking out Lookie Loos or Crayon Cookies - have fun making the coolest gifts you'll give this year! Thanks for all your comments - I really hope to figure out how to leave responses without an email address, but that too must wait for the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Really looks like you guys have been VERY VERY busy!
    I hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas!!
    Be Safe!
