Saturday, October 07, 2006

Time for Fun

As the birthday season ramps up - we've been making time for fun.

On a recent visit to the River, we discovered that my daughter is quite the little fisherwoman under her Grandpa's tutelage. Here's what she thinks she caught:

And here's what I as a proud mama saw (same catch):

Love the macro setting on our camera. It's all fish stories, right?!

Meanwhile, my son was as happy as a pig in mud:

We also made a run to Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. We went to celebrate my son's 8th birthday. The water park was fantastic and kept the kids busy for more hours than I care to admit. Here my son gets pummeled by the gigantic water bucket.

My daughter conquered her fear of waves and was lazily drifting on an inner tube in the wave pool by the end of the day.

And through all our trips I've been seaming up the mitered square blanket. I finally joined the "great divide" as I've been calling the longest center seam. Now on to the border!

My idea of fun this afternoon is going to be curling up with some chai tea, picking up stitches, and watching Swiss Family Robinson with my birthday boy on this cold, rainy afternoon. What are you doing for fun time today?

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