Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer of Socks

I thought I had missed the boat, but the Summer of Socks officially starts today. Oh, and so does summer. Explains why all the bathing suits are going on clearance and the trucks filled with back to school supplies have their back up alarms are beeping at the Target loading docks. No wonder I can't keep straight what season we are in!

Here is my sock project list:

1. Pink Lemonade socks - 2 at a time on 2 circs - simple pattern from Knit Picks - for ME! (or maybe my daughter is the #2 pattern strikes my fancy)

2. Smores socks - dpns - kids' pattern from a friend (thanks Mary!) - for my son

3. Jawoll Superwash denim-y socks - maybe 2 circulars - using a Sensational Socks that he'll pick - for my husband

4. Cascade Fixation - dpns - footie pattern from Cascade's site - for me

The order is going to be pretty random. I'd like to try #4 first because the heel treatment is similar to #1 and because I can wear cotton footies now - and because footie should equal quick.

Now I just need to crank out a few Leetle Bags and I'm ready to roll!


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Wow!!!! Looks like you're off and running with plans for Summer of Socks. Can't wait to see them up and going. Good on ya'!

  2. The colours of yarn for your Summer of Socks look wonderful! Happy uneducated question, please...what is a white turkey's foot doing sticking out of your nice yarn?

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