Monday, May 15, 2006

Tempting Fate

We had a great trip to Atlanta this past week. I grabbed some Peaches 'N Cream beforehand to cast on for a Mason Dixon Knitting Ballband Warshrag. What a fun pattern! So what if everyone is doing one - there's a reason! It's great. And much cheaper to knock out that the Clapotis!

Here is the first one underway:

I hurried to finish while the sun was still up and my lovely hand model husband (Go Hoos!) displayed the finished product:

I had such fun with #1, I tempted fate with a second. I just reversed the yarn colors for the contrast and knit away. Just as I was finishing the last row (with yarn to spare), the skies opened and the rain started.

Then the penny-sized hail began pelting us.

Crazy! Luckily, it stopped after a short time, and "all" we had to drive through were torential rains complete with thunder and lightening. But we made it home, thanks to my husband, and here are the pair of washcloths checking out their new home, the kitchen counter.

Glad to be home!


  1. They look great! Aren't they a blast to knit?

  2. Oooh! it was favespouse holing the needle! I thought it was you, KNITTING WHILE DRIVING! but then I recovered my sanity. He does have nice hands!

    I just lurve that pattern! I havebeen mentally trolling the stash for supplies for just isn't enough.

    CU at knitnite?

  3. I love those washcloths! I may have to buy the book just for that pattern!
