Friday, May 26, 2006

Shrinky Dink
or No, That Is Not A Lawn Mower Cozy

While learning continental knitting, I wanted so work on a few projects where I was in familiar territory. What could be better than felted bags?! I did another Buttonhole Bag with Cascade 220 adding rows to make it taller.

I took a break from knitting to mow the yard, so here is the bag on the lawn mower for scale.

And here it is in the adirondack chair relaxing after mowing.

I'm shrinking!

And a gratuitous shot in the spiderwort.

I never tire of the fun of felting!


  1. I wonder if I would look that cute if I shrank a bit? (better not ask my spouse...he might toss me in a hot wash and see...)

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    How fun! A bag that like to do yard work! Does it do weeding, too, before posing gratuitously in the spiderwort? Digging the stripes!

  3. Great Fun..luv the pink and green...

  4. Great job on the bag!
