Monday, May 22, 2006

Backyard Birds

Have you met Sticky the Cardinal?

He is our bird friend that visits our feeder several times a day. My daughter named him Sticky because of the feather sticking out of this wing. Doesn't seem to slow him down and it helps us keep track of him. He even has a wife, appropriately named Mrs. Sticky. Their sharing of wheat grass seed caused my daughter to report "they really are married - they're kissing!". While clearing limbs from a backyard tree last week, Mrs. Sticky appeared and started chirping loudly at me. She's pretty shy, so I figured something was up. Sure enough, her nest was in the same tree, so we left her alone to get back to work.

Mrs. Sticky picked a great neighborhood. The robin family in the front yard has successfully raised their babies. We noticed they were gone from their nest last week. And this afternoon, we saw one getting a flying lesson from its mama.

And speaking of homeschooling, my daughter "officially" finished preschool today. She's so proud - and so are we!


  1. Sticky the cardinal> is he realated to Tacky the Penguin?

    all attire is appropriate when eating watermelon (just as all activities are appropriate with wool socks!)

  2. Yeah! for SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!! hum along w/ me now!

  3. Yeah for your DD! Bossy finished up her preschool and is very impatiently waiting to start kindergarten.
