Friday, March 31, 2006

Kool Aid Fever - Part Three

Apparently there is a limit to the number of pictures Blogger lets you load to your post (?), so here is the third installment of our Kool Aid odyssey.

The yarn is dry!

The kids thought the hanks looked like leis ("It's like we're on vacation!"), so the posed shots ...

turned into hula shots ...

which turned into trampoline shots ....

And if you thought this looked like fun, you should have seen the winding! We used our favorite two-door-knob winder and look at our final results (notice the attractive photo op props under the yarn...)

... it is the textile artists themselves!

This couldn't be any more fun!


At 6:34 PM, Blogger Mary said...

What fun, Anne Margaret! Your kids will remember that forever! I will have to consult you when I'm ready to do some Kool-Aid dyeing.

You know, the article about it in Knitty said one doesn't need vinegar because Kool-Aid is already acidic. What do you think?

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Bezzie said...

Too cute! I love the hula shots!


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